Since I started using Azure Service Bus service, I used Azure Service Bus Explorer mostly for testing purposes and troubleshooting, and always I had on my mind the idea Microsoft to integrate that tool on the Azure Portal. And finally, when I first heard at the MVP Virtual Summit that this tool would be available via the Azure Portal, I was very happy.
In this post today I will try to talk about this new feature which at the time I wrote this post is on Preview and not GA.
What the Service Bus Explorer supports
- Topics
- ‘Send’ to a topic.
- Subscriptions
- ‘Peek’ from a subscription on a topic. You can peek up to 32 messages at a time.
- ‘Receive’ from a subscription. This is a destructive receive (just like in queues).
- ‘Peek’ from the DeadLetter subscription. You can also peek messages from the deadletter sub-entity of the subscription.
- ‘Receive’ from the DeadLetter subscription. You can also receive messages from the deadletter sub-entity of the subscription.
- Queues
- ‘Send’ to a queue
- ‘Receive’ from a queue. This is a destructive receive.
- ‘Peek’ from a queue. Up to 32 messages can be peeked at a time.
- ‘Receive’ from DeadLetterQueue. You can also receive from the deadletter sub-queue of the queue.
- ‘Peek’ from the DeadLetterQueue. You can also peek from the deadletter sub-queue of the queue.
How it work
For this demo purposes, I have already deployed a service bus with a queue (Queue_01).
The first thing that you need to know is that Service Bus Explorer (preview) is not accessible on the Service Bus main settings but from the queue or topic settings.
Example 01: Send a test message
As first example you will see how you can send Json message to the service bus queue.
Select Content Type (Application/Json), type your message in Json format and then click Send.
Example 02: Receive the test message
At the second example we read how to receive the test message, it’s quite simple because you just need to select between “queue” or “DeadLetter” and click Receive.
Now in case, we want to read the message received, we can click the received message and on the right form, the message appears.
Example 03: Peek the test message
If you want to peek the message, then you just click the peek, and you can read the message from a form on the right, as the image below shows.