Several Azure Virtual machine tiers offer to compute resources depending on the needs that arise in resources, for example, General purpose, Compute-optimized, Memory-optimized, GPU, Storage Optimized and High-performance computing. Sometimes the cost could be...
There are many times where we need to massively do operations on Azure VM’s, in this post we would talk how we can Start, Stop, and Restart VM’s via Azure Portal or Azure PowerShell. Start, Stop VM’s via Azure Portal Start, Stop VM’s via...
Overview This PowerShell script covers a complete case with one virtual machine (Windows Server 2016), with one data disk, Virtual Network, Subnet, Public IP Address, Network Security Group, BGInfo, and DiskEncryption Extensions. Details The executing steps are : Step...
This post will be updated continuously with new Azure RM cmdlets, which are useful for the daily work at office. Networking In this section, we can find cmdlets for Azure Network Resources. Change The Public IP State : (Set-AzureRmPublicIpAddress) Before executing one...
One important thing you must do for an SMTP Server is to add reverse DNS record on your Cloud Service. To do this, first of all, you must install Azure Powershell, WindowsAzurePowershell. Now, you must execute the following commands in PowerShell: Azure Service...
Bellow a script which helps you to create || delete massive endpoints on Azure. {Applies on ASM} #Enter Azure Account Add-AzureAccount #Choose Subscription Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName “MySubscripiton” #Massive EndPoint creation from Port...