Azure File Sync is a new Azure file service for file syncing between On-premises server and Azure Files. With this New feature, Microsoft Azure saves a lot of time from  IT staff daily routine.

Before you get started must have checked the followings :

  1. Create an Azure Storage Account {File Share} / (details on how to create a Storage Account you can see here )
  2. Install Windows Management Framework 5.1 (MUST BE,  On-Premises Server)
  3. Install the latest AzureRM  Powershell module (MUST BE, On-Premises Server)
    • Open elevated Powershell and run the following commands :
#Install the PowershellGet Module
Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -RequiredVersion -Force 

#Install the AzureRM Manager
Install-Module -Name AzureRM -AllowClobber

#Import the AzureRM Module
Import-Module -Name AzureRM


Now, you are ready to start.

Deploy Storage Sync Service

On the Deploy Storage Sync blade, type the parameters:

 Setting Value
Name Type the Storage Sync service name, e.g Demo_FileSync
Subscription Select the Subscription name, e.g Azure Pass
Resource Group Select or Create a Resource Group, e.g Demo_FileSunc
Location Select a Data Center location, e.g West Europe

Register Server

From the Demo_File Sync blade – Sync – Registered servers you must download and install  the Azure Storage Sync agent on your on-premise server.
After you installation drive to path C:\Program Files\Azure\StorageSyncAgent, and run AfsUpdater.exe

Sign in with your Azure Account

and register your server by typing all the mandatory fields (Azure Subscription, Resource Group, Storage Sync Server) and click Register.

After completion of the above, your server is registered.

Create Sync group

Select  Sync group

Filled up all the necessary field and click Create.

Setting  Value
Sync group name Type the Sync group name, e.g demosyncgroup
1st Cloud endpoint – Subscription  Select the Azure Subscription, e.g Azure Pass
1st Cloud endpoint – Storage account
Storage Account – Azure File Share Select Azure File Share from the Storage Account, e.g demofileshare


Add server endpoint

The last step is to Add Server endpoint on Azure Sync Group.

 Setting  Value
Registered server Select the registered server, e.g WIN-KG0SNBQAKSQ
Path Set the path from your on-premises data folder, e.g C:\Demo_Data
Cloud Tiering Enabled this if your path point to a cloud storage / Disabled  if your path point a local system storage



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