In this post we talk about how someone can start with Visual Studio Team Services and we will create what most people know from TFS, Team Project. This Team Project has a lot of benefits for the users,

  • Version Control
  • Project Management
  • Build & Release Tools
  • Testing & QA Tools
  • Wiki
  • Dashboards & Reporting

Open a web browser and type at the address field,, like the following image shows.


Create the first Project

After we login to the page, we must pick the domain where the project will be hosted. First type a valid domain name, e.g, type the Project name,e.g MyTestProject, select the region for the project and click Continue.


Few minutes later we redirected to a new page, like the below image shows.

VSTS Account on Azure

Great ! We created our first Team Project and we know that is located on West Europe Azure Data center, but how can we be sure about it ?
That’s simple, login to azure portal [Open a web browser and type]. From the left main blade, click “All services” and type in the search box “Team“, after that will appear two services and we click the service Team Services accounts.

There we can see 2 accounts and the one which created a few minutes ago is marked with yellow color.

If we click on the account gxgrammatikos-vs2018, we can see a lot of information about the account like Url, Location, etc.


Users Configuration


CI/CD Configuration

Cloud-based load testing Configuration


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