A collection in Canvas Apps is a table where you can store data. You can do this by using the Collect function.

You can read more about the Collection function on the links below:

How it works

In this example, you will see how to use the Collect function.

On your Canvas App project add a new screen

  1. On the Canvas App, select Screens+ New screenLayouts (Blank)

2. In Power Apps studio, select + Insert Text label

3. Add a Text Input control from + InsertText input

4. Add a button from + InsertButton

Info: It is a good practice to rename control names as the example image depicts

Tips and best practices to improve performance of canvas apps


5. The screen will show like the image below.

6. On the btnCollectData button, set the OnSelect property and type the code below:

            Name: txtInputName.Text


The result

On the Home page top menu, navigate to {…} – Collections, as the below image depicts.

You will be able to see your collection with the record, as the image below shows.










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