A Power Apps solution is a container that contains one or more apps or other Power Apps components such as environment variable(s), entities (tables), flows, site maps, web resources and many more others.

Solutions are mainly used when implementing Application lifecycle management (ALM) in Power Apps.

If your power platform tenant lacks the appropriate license(s) you will not be able to create a solution

To create a new solution follow the below steps:

Sign in to make.powerapps.com and select the Environment where you want to create the Solution(s).

From the left hand navigation pane select Solutions

On the command bar, select + New solution

On the New solution fill in the fields like the image below depicts.

  • Display name: Type the name of the solution
  • Name: This is the unique solution name, which is automatically generated from the Display name.
  • Publisher: Select an existing publisher or create a new one.
  • Version: Type the number for the solution version

Last step select Create.

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