In this post we will see how we can easily restore database in Azure SQL ManagedInstance. There are two ways to do this, using T-SQL and Powershell.
Using Powershel
Before executing the following Powershell Script to restore the database we must be sure for the following prerequisites:
- Powershell command line Shell
- SqlServer Powershell module
- SQL Managed Instance
- Azure Storage Account
Install Or Update SqlServer PS module
To install the SqlServer module execute the following command:
#Install The SqlServer module if not installed Install-Module -Name SqlServer #Alternatively Use The "-AllowClobber" parameter if previous version of the SqlServer module is already installed Install-Module -Name SqlServer -AllowClobber #Update The SqlServer module if already installed Update-Module -Name SqlServer
#Type the Managed instance admin login $username = "#########" #Type the Managed instance admin password $password = '################' #Type the Full Managed instance name $managedInstance = "" #Leave this parameter as is $database = "master" #Before execute the Invoke-Sqlcmd, type the address with the full database backup path Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $managedInstance -Database ` $database -Username ` $username -Password $password ` -Query "RESTORE DATABASE [mydb] FROM URL = ''"
Using T-SQL
Before executing the following T-SQL Script to restore the database we must be sure for the following prerequisites:
- SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio)
- SQL Managed Instance
- Azure Storage Account
CREATE CREDENTIAL [] WITH IDENTITY = 'SHARED ACCESS SIGNATURE' , SECRET = 'sv=2018-03-28&ss=bfqt&srt=sco&sp=rwdlacup&se=2019-01-31T20:41:49Z&st=2019-01-01T12:41:49Z&spr=https&sig=###################################################' RESTORE DATABASE [Chinook] FROM URL = ''