by George Chrysovaladis Grammatikos | Feb 6, 2024 | Azure, General
As part of the Azure Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF), Microsoft provides a set of guidelines, best practices, and resources(tools) to assist organizations in adopting Azure cloud services in a cost-effective manner. In this post, I will try to give you an idea of how...
by George Chrysovaladis Grammatikos | Oct 10, 2019 | DevOps, IT
In this quick post, I will show you how to transfer a GitHub repo from one organization account to another. Navigate to the repository that we want to transfer and select Settings. Scroll down to the Danger Zone and select Transfer Then we type the name of the...
by George Chrysovaladis Grammatikos | Oct 15, 2018 | Azure, DevOps, VM
Introduction Since ARM was introduced to the public, everyone migrates from ASM to ARM. This can be accomplished using a very cool tool called MigAz. This tool has also the capability to move resources from an Azure Directory to another with no downtime if NO data...
by George Chrysovaladis Grammatikos | May 16, 2018 | Azure, NoSQL
In my previous post i wrote about Azure Cosmos DB. In this one i will talk about migration methods to Cosmos DB. Download Azure Document DB migration tool from here. DocumentDB Data Migration Tool gives you the ability to migrate data from different sources to Cosmos...