In this post, i will share some of the tools I use daily in work.

Name Description Link
Cmder Cmder is a  useful opensource console application Download
SQL Nexus A tool that allows you to create charts & reports for SQL Server performance issues Download
Pssdiag This is a tool with a graphic interface that helps to collect SQL server data  Download
 PSTools  A number of powerful tool which helps someone to administer Windows systems.  Download
Who_Is_Active  Stored Procedure for SQL Server activity monitoring. Download 
 SSMS 2017  An integrated  environment for managing SQL Server infrastructure  Download
Azure Powershell  A set of cmdlets that allows to manage Azure resources  Download
Putty  This is an SSH and telnet client Download
Bitvise SSH Client An SSH  and SFTP client for Windows. Download
Az Command-Line  A command line tool for managing Azure resources Download 
Notepad ++  Free source code editor Download
Postman  A REST client that  sends API requests Download 
Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer  A tool that allows users to work with Azure Storage on Windows, Linux and Mac. Download
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