One of the most important elements of Azure SQL Managed Instance is the Virtual Network.
The following steps are required for VNet configuration for Managed Instances.
- Create a Virtual Network
- Create a Route Table, this will enable communication with Azure services.
- Create a dedicated subnet for Managed Instance.
- Add the Route Table to the subnet.
- Create a P2S VPN (Optional, only if you want to access direct connection to Managed Instance).
Create Virtual Network
Step 1:
Search for “Virtual Network” service and click the Create button.
In the Create Virtual network blade, fill in the fields as the next image shows.
Step 2 :
Create a dedicated Subnet for the Managed Instance
Create route table
You must create a routing table (User Route Table) and associate this with a subnet. The Route table must have an address prefix (means, all IPv4 addresses ) with Next Hop Internet. You can see how to make these deployments in the next steps.
Step 1
Search for the “Route Table” service, and click create.
Step 2
in the Create route table blade, take as a guideline the next image, fill in the fields and click Create.
Add Route
Step 1
Next, create a route to allow traffic from Managed Instances which are located on the VNet, to Azure management service that manages the Managed Instances.
Step 2
Associate the route with the subnet “demoSQLMngInst”
Create Gateway Subnet
Create the Gateway Subnet as the picture shows, notice that there is no need to select a Service endpoint.
Now, you’re ready to proceed to Create an Azure SQL Database Managed Instance.