In this quick post, I will present the Azure Portal Desktop App which is still in a Preview version. In this desktop app version of Azure Portal can manage our azure resources, execute scripts via cloud shell etc. Download the Azure Portal Desktop App First must be...
Many of us will have noticed the pop-up message below when login to Azure Portal. It is a brand new way to navigate to the Azure Portal. Docked Mode If we select the button [Dock the portal menu], then the portal menu has the default look. Flyout Mode But, if...
In this quick post, we will see how to solve a problem that was reproduced in an Azure VM with SQL Server. The main point is that the problem began after we tried to change collation on the SQL Server. Problem While we change collation in a SQL Server on an Azure VM,...
In 2018, Microsoft announced the possibility to customize Azure Portal dashboard. How can someone do that? Easy, since it is familiar with JSON format its piece of cake. It’s only three steps, download JSON – edit JSON file – upload JSON. Let’s...
Azure Cloud Shell is a browser bash and PowerShell command line shell. It gives the opportunity to run bash & PowerShell commands from anywhere. In the following steps, you’ll see what Azure Cloud Shell offers and how can be deployed. Open Cloud Shell from...